Creating, Updating and Removing a Project

Click on the menu PROJECT MANAGEMENT → PROJECT to access the interface to manage projects.

In the Name field, type the name of the project.

Define the number of cells in the Number of Locked Cells field. See more about locked cells at Erro: Origem da referência não encontrada, page Erro: Origem da referência não encontrada.

The project date (created and updated) are filled automatically with the date displayed on your computer when the project is created. It is not possible to change this information.

Use the check box Project Available for Users to define the availability of the project. Making a project available for users means that Operator Users will be able to activate it to work on by performing vectorial editions (such activation is made in the Project Activation interface by the operator users). It is advisable to keep the project in the unavailable state while it is being configured or going through maintenance. After the procedures are finished, return to this interface and make the project available by checking this box and clicking on Update.

Click on the icon to add the project.

Click on the icon to update if changes are applied to a name, a number of cells, or active/inactive status.

Updates take effect immediately. However, there are exceptions to that when updates are made while other users are performing vectorial editions.

When an Operator User activates a project, the information of which project was activated is stored in the database. TerraAmazon verifies that information every time the user tries to classify polygons. Being so, if a project is deactivated by an Administrator user while an Operator User is working on it, then the next time the Operator user tries to classify polygons, TerraAmazon will identify that the project has been deactivated and classification will no longer be possible.

Project availability can be changed in Available column in Projects list.

To remove a project, select the project and click on the icon . If the project has associated rules, it can not be removed and the following message will be displayed:

In this case, it is necessary to disassociate all rules and scenarios in order to remove the project. Refer to chapters Erro: Origem da referência não encontrada and Erro: Origem da referência não encontrada for disassociation procedures.

Note: A project can be removed until the first task is created by any of its users. After that, the project will be part of the log of executed projects of the database and can no longer be removed.